The two Office products installation technologies:

Office installed with Click-to-Run & MSI installer on the same computer isn’t supported

When you try to install the same version of Office products that use two different installation technologies installed on the same Windows 10 computer, you’ll get the following error message if Office detects this incompatibility: This also applies to standalone applications like Access, Visio, Project, Skype for Business, or OneDrive for Business. To resolve this conflict, you can stay with the MSI installer version of Office and not install the Office 365 Click-to-Run version you were trying to install. Or, do the following:

Uninstall Office from your Windows computerC to remove the Windows Installer version of Office.Then retry the installation of Office you were performing when you got the error message.

Similarly, this issue can also be encountered in an enterprise environment. According to Microsoft; Based on the scenario described above – to resolve the issue on user endpoints in the enterprise, IT administrators can be able to download use the latest version of Office Deployment Tool to download and install click-to-run based Project 2016 and Visio 2016 that can be activated using their volume license (KMS or MAK). The new Office Deployment Tool supports four new ProductIDs that allows IT admins to download and install the standard or Professional versions of Project or Visio. That’s it! Hope you find this information useful.