In this tutorial, we will explain how to move by one cell, move to the edge of the current data region, a specific location, location that has a specific property, to the last inhabited cell on an Excel worksheet. A Worksheet consists of rows and columns where you type data and formulas into cells.

How to move by one cell in Excel

How to move to the edge of the current data region in Excel

How to move to a specific location in Excel

On the Home tab in the Editing group, click the Find and Select button. In the Find and Select Shortcut menu, select Go To. A Go To dialog box will appear.

Inside the dialog box in the Reference box, enter a cell or cell range. Click OK; it will go to the cell or cell range you entered. Read: Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners.

How to move to a location that has a specific property in Excel

On the Home tab in the Editing group, click the Find and Select button. In the Find and Select Shortcut menu, select Go To Special.

A Go To Special dialog box will appear. Inside the dialog box, click the property; you want to search. Then, click OK. Read: Excel Tips and Tricks for beginners.

How to move the last inhabited cell on a worksheet in Excel

On the Home tab in the Editing group, click the Find and Select button. In the Find and Select Shortcut menu, select Go To Special.

A Go To Special dialog box will appear. Inside the dialog box, click Last Cell. Then press OK. Read: Microsoft Excel time-saving tricks for fast working. I hope this helps; if you have questions, please comment below.

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